marți, 22 mai 2012

My soul is like a locked book.If you want to read it, you need the key .

       Have you ever felt like you're falling ? I have. It's... It's a horrible feeling. All i know it's that i am broken. I touched his hand and a storm started. I'm not like this. I mean... I'm not crazy or weird, but it was an awkward feeling. he's always smiling and I'm smiling to. I try to look happy because he's happy to, but sometimes i can't. All i can do is fake a smile when i cry inside. I'm destroyed, I'm broken. This is not my place anymore. I'm like a stranger because the school I'm in is destroing everything is good in people. It's hard to survive in the jungle. I am pretending to be someone I'm not and it's hurting.

My soul is like a locked book.If you want to read it, you need the key . 

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